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Electrician Consulting

As an Electrician have you ever wished you had a tech support number for your problems, or ever wished you had a hand to figure out problems in the field? Have you ever had problems with an inspection and wished you had an engineer there on your side?


Consulting services for electricians is one of our most popular requests. It's a great way to expand your technical base, and help grow your business. 



Consulting Services

Facilities with large electrical systems often need casual electrical engineering services to assist with such things a code analysis and compliance, component sizing, problem evaluation and project conceptualization. Often these issues can be addressed with just a few hours time by an experienced licensed electrical engineer. DES offers electrical engineering retainer services to SC industrial clients for a very reasonable fee. Engineering retainer services are similar to legal retainer services. The client pays a low monthly fee for professional electrical engineering consultation services up to a fixed amount of time.


DES retainer services provide up to eight hours of engineering time per month for a fixed fee.


This is often sufficient for most facilities to receive timely answers to complex technical issues. If your facility could benefit from as-needed access to professional electrical engineering consultations, contact DES for additional information regarding DES retainer services.




Daniels Engineering Services, LLC provides flexible tailored solutions to fit your needs. With DES you can have benefits of both a Master Electrician and a Licensed Engineer at your disposal. We are located centrally in the capital of South Carolina and are able to provide services throughout the Carolinas and Georgia. We take strides to provide competitive pricing and flexible solutions to our clients.


© 2018 by Daniels Engineering Services, LLC

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